Artists in the 2020 AP Art and Design Course really faced adversity and rose to the occasion. These creative, talented and skilled young men and women worked on their individual portfolios in and out of class until the necessary closing of our school and then committed to creating the remainder of their art work at home in order to be ready for the AP exam. They are the creative and innovative thinkers of the future. In the words of our own Governor, Tom Wolf,
"Join me in congratulating an incredible group of young people who got dealt a bad hand and are still keeping their heads up.
Congratulations to the class of 2020."
Here is a little film with their faces and the the titles of the Sustained Investigations for their individual AP art portfolios.
Awards & Nominations:
Sophia Zhu won Best in Show at the Tri-County art show at the Pottstown Montgomery County College Campus.
Jack Kapralick won the top drawing award at the Tri-County art show at the Pottstown Mongomery County College Campus.
Michael McElwee completed two commission pieces for both a video gaming company and an album cover for a band.
Shannondell Art Scholarship
Michael McElwee won the Shannondell Art Scholarship for the 2020 school year.
Honor Book Design
Anna Kaminetz is the art illustrator for the 2020 page of the MHS honor book est. 1976.
Celebration of the Arts Scholarship
Emily Bogle won the Celebration of the Arts scholarship for the 2020 school year.
National Portfolio Day October 27th 2019
The following art students were accepted into art programs that same day during National Portfolio Day in October 2019 due to their excellent art :
Jack Kapralick was accepted into Tyler School of Art
Ashley Choi was accepted into University of Michigan, College
of Creative Studies and School of the Art Institute of Chicago,
Kaela Miles was accepted into kutztown, Tyler and Moore College of Art
Emily Bogle was accepted into Kutztown
Anne Kaminetz was accepted into Rochester Institute of Technology
Tiffany Griffith was accepted into University of the Arts.
in their own words