mia sheldon
The warrior within

I found myself in my “first” art class freshman year at PJP. I took Studio ART 1, and only because I needed a credit, I hated the class. It focused on art history, and every project was basic and boring, and the art department had like one Prisma pencil. The following year, my sophomore year I decided to try Studio Art 2 with Ms. Hall because it would be an “easy” class and I had heard good things about Methacton’s art program. It was alright, I survived. Junior year, I took Art 3 with Koons, reason being that everyone else was taking itt. This was when I started to like art. Whenever anyone asks me if I’m going to miss anything about high school, I say not at all, except for the art program. This past year, AP studio art has changed my perspective so much. Art was never a big part of my life until recently. Growing up, I was focused on sports and trying to survive school. Art was never in the picture.
High school for me, was stressful. The recruiting process for club sports was shoved in my face, my body felt like it was going to break from the amount of games that high school sports shove in a week, and academics have never been enjoyable for me. I started going to (Dr.) Koons’ room every free period I had. It’s quiet and comfortable, perfect for cramming or finishing homework due the next period! Even as my workload decreased I still went to the art room. It was nice to go somewhere and detach from school. I started to actually work on the projects that we were assigned to in class and continued to make art because I wanted to. At the end of the year, I decided to put AP art on my schedule so I could enjoy at least one period at school. I didn’t know a lot of the AP kids well at first, I felt a little out of place and as if I didn’t have the same depth of passion that they did. I definitely had second thoughts, wondering if I was wasting my time, I was wrong. I’m so grateful for the people I’ve met and I’ve learned a lot and gained a lot of knowledge on topics that no other teacher is going to be able to teach you. This class was so worth it to me, and I’m so grateful for every minute I’ve spent there.
As far as the future goes, I’m going to Coastal Carolina University to play lacrosse, hopefully major in Exercise Sports Science or Public Health and minor in Studio Art.