Megan Pascal
Revealing what is real

Art has always been a constant throughout my whole life from when I was 4 years old to present day. My first memories of art are back when me and my mom would pull out these large coloring books of tinker bell and hello kitty from under the sofa. We would lay on the floor for hours coloring with the old twistable crayons. Then in elementary school my love of art was encouraged at an after school event with my art teacher Mrs. Blahut. There were drawing “how to” pages set up at tables where I drew a dog, bird, and a bear. Me, thinking that they were so good compared to others along with Mrs. Blahut telling me they were amazing solidified my love of art. After that when I expanded my skills in middle school I had a breakthrough with a John Lenon portrait. This led me to start consistently making art christmas gifts for my grandparent to this day.
When I entered highschool I seriously wanted to see if I could pursue art for my future. After taking Art I and Art II along with graphic design I knew this is what I wanted to do. I then learned during sophomore year I could take AP art and Art III at the same time during Junior year, so I went for it. Doing this now is allowing me to grow as an artist by helping me figure out my style and what mediums I excel with. This year I began working with charcoal for the first time finding my love for it, in addition to monochromatic stylings. Solidifying my style I will retake AP art next year as a senior, along with advanced graphic design to prepare me for college.
Upon graduation I hope to attend a college where I can major in art and minor in psychology. After college I would like to use what I have learned to pursue a career in Art. I would begin by taking commissions from people along with having any job possible. Then I would want to work my way up into possible art therapy jobs. Through this I would still produce my own personal art to one day hopefully have my own show and name for myself as an artist. I look forward to art being my future.