Kaylee Lizama
Revealing struggles in the latino culture

My name is Kaylee Lizama and currently taking Ap Art 2-d Design in my senior year of high school. My background plays a big part in my life and how I get many of my ideas for my art pieces. I come from a big family with Hispanic culture and with being the youngest of 9 ( including half-siblings ) I do not know what I would do without them. Since being a Latina means a lot to me because there are always problems with being Hispanic and I wanted to have a voice, something to express and that how art has affected me to show the world that there is a bigger picture that everyone should be aware of.
Art can mean many different things. To me, it means exploring your mind and being able to express yourself from a sheet of paper to a building. Wherever it is possible to create a masterpiece it is art. I remember when I was little, I was a troublesome kid when paints, markers, crayons were in my reach. Since the living room walls were calling my name to see what masterpiece I would make next. I felt like Picasso with my hand and fingerprints painting my family on the wall. Oops, sorry, mom!
I was always an art kid throughout my whole school life. I always go out my way and bend the rules from what my teachers would tell me how a project should go then end up with something new that I love. I did not like any of my art teachers, I love every single one of them in their own way. The relationship I would have with my art teachers is incomparable to any other teacher. I could always feel myself, ask personal questions, voice my opinions, literally anything without feeling judged.
I have always felt inspired by art when I would go to the city or and rural area and I would see gigantic murals sending a message to the viewers. I plan to use art in the future to possibly in my college life take a class or two or maybe even minor in it. I know I would like to explore my mind when if I am bored by taking outside class just trying new things. I know for a fact wherever I go and end up art will never leave my body.
I chose to take AP art because it was finally my time to express something that I would be passionate about creating. It was time to express myself and my background and show it to others. I have always been inspired when seeing everyone’s art in the art show since my freshman year.
I had no idea in my freshman year if I wanted to take AP art or not but I knew deep down I had to show something different and when one can relate to especially to the Latino community. Therefore taking AP art changed my views after each piece I made I was able to relate to.
My art is now on period because its time to show real-world problems to those who are very unaware and make a difference.