Chloe Lauman
Astrology Symbols

I chose to take AP art because I love to do art and art is something my sister took and my mother. Compared to my mother and sister I have a very different style of doing art. I always was good at doing other art forms, but never really enjoyed doing them. Then I found out about batiks and since then all i love to do is that and wouldn't consider doing any other form.
People are generally confused when I show them my art and want to know what batik is and how it works. Batik is a muslin that you lay wax and dye over. After doing many layers and I am satisfied with it all, I will iron off all the wax and I can add whatever details to it. Details include paint pens and acrylics for me.
My pieces in the show this year are about astrology and astronomy. I intended on doing all 12 of the zodiac signs, but obviously the pandemic hit and I will not be able to show all of them. I do intend on still finishing the signs during quarantine. Astrology is something I enjoy to research and look up in my free time. Characteristics said about the signs are only a suggestion of what one could be, not what one actually is.
My future in art is just for fun. I instead intend on going to Montco for two years and then the rest studying at Ursinus for biochemistry. I am very excited to showcase what I have done this year in AP art.